
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Good News

Today I met with Lung and Heart specialists for the last time. They took an x-ray of my chest and found that the pleurodesis has succeeded perfectly and that I had graduated from their care. They also expressed their appreciation that I was thin and in good shape. "It is so much easier to work on people who are in good physical condition", the PA said. I nearly bust my buttons.

I also had a conference call with Verizon, one of my work clients. I had debated about informing them of my cancer fearing that they would become nervous and look for another provider, however, in the end I chose to inform them of my condition because,

1) I have worked with these people for many years and count them as friends. If I have to go through this ordeal I want the support from my friends, and

2) It is only ethical to let them know as it effects their business.

I believe that I will be able to function for them for the next few years and that they will continue to use my services. But in any event, I will always appreciate and have fond feelings for those of my Bell friends.


K said...

It was Mark Twain who said, "I have done eleven good deeds in my life and have lived to regret every one of them." Still - to live honorably is to live well. You act like a putz, and your life? Pfff, So good for Ken, Ken, Ken - a gentleman to the - okay, we're not going there. Yeah about the buttons, too - how many times in your life does somebody actually tell you you did something right, that you've done enough, that you were ready when it counted? I'd love to hear that someday, myself.

Kari said...

Yay for the surgery doing what it needed to do, and for being in shape. Although if mom gets her way with all that food she's been trying to feed you that may not last.

Kathy said...

Hey Kari, I am trying to feed Dad healthy food too and we are going to limiting the treats as well. That will be important for healing. He is doing well and trying to eat even if he doesn't feel like it.

Ginna said...

It's such great news that the surgery did what it was supposed to do--all that pain and suffering was worth something!
And how nice that they praised you for being in good shape!!
Keep up the good work.

Ginna said...

oh, and that cartoon is pretty funny

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